• User Registration

  • (Please complete all information below and click “Register” when complete. Your information will be promptly received and validated by IMS and an e-mail confirmation will be sent to you activating your account. If you need assistance at any time please contact IMS Customer Service at 1.800.937.7671.)

    User First Name*
    User Last Name*
    User Type*
    Company/Agency Name*
    Store Number
    [Please use a comma (,) to separate multiple store number entries]
    [Store numbers are only applicable for Operator/Store McOpCo Manager user type.]
    User Phone*
    User Email*
    Confirm User Email*
    User ID*
    [Please establish your own User ID. You may use numbers as well as letters up to 15 characters when establishing your User ID. Please do not enter spaces between characters. The only valid characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - , . , _ , and ~ Comma is not a valid character]
    User Password*
    [Please establish your own Password. You may use numbers as well as letters up to 15 characters when establishing your Password. Please do not enter spaces between characters.]